Latest Soccer Drills

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Fixed Distance Passing Game new

Chris Johnson 81 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A passing and receiving drill that improves accuracy, control, and first-touch ability by challenging players to pass through a gate while maintaining possession.

1v1 to Tall Cones new

Chris Johnson 109 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A 1v1 attacking and defending drill that improves dribbling, ball control, and decision-making as players try to knock over their opponent’s cones with the ball.

3v3 to Goals new

Chris Johnson 57 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A small-sided 3v3 game that enhances attacking, defending, and transition play while providing high-energy, game-like scenarios with continuous player rotation.

Variable Distance Passing Game new

Chris Johnson 57 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A progressive passing drill that develops accuracy, weight of pass, and consistency as players attempt to pass through a narrowing gate at increasing distances.

Dribbling and Turning with Pressure on the Back new

Chris Johnson 88 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A 1v1 drill that focuses on turning under pressure, shielding the ball, and making quick decisions to beat a defender and retain possession.

Dribbling with Pressure on the Back new

Chris Johnson 44 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A 1v1 dribbling drill that helps players develop awareness, ball protection, and shielding skills while dribbling under defensive pressure.

2v2 with 4 Small Goals new

Chris Johnson 47 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A competitive 2v2 drill that develops attacking, defending, and decision-making by encouraging players to find space and score on one of two goals while defending their own.

1v1 with 4 Small Goals new

Chris Johnson 30 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A high-intensity 1v1 drill that enhances attacking, defending, and finishing skills as players compete to score on two small goals while defending their own.

Dribblers vs. Defenders Challenge new

Chris Johnson 24 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A competitive dribbling drill that improves ball control, defensive pressure, and quick decision-making as dribblers try to maintain possession while defenders attempt to steal the ball.

Dribble Speed Tag new

Chris Johnson 46 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
A fast-paced dribbling drill where players evade taggers while maintaining control of the ball, improving ball control, agility, and quick decision-making.