Soccer Shooting Drills

Soccer shooting drills are not only fun for the players, but it is one of the fundamental skills necessary to score goals. However, become an excellent shot takes practice. Repetition is one of the best tools to refine your skill of shooting. Players should start by shooting stationary balls and progress towards moving targets, different angle shots, and volleys.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You need to start shooting...

Purpose of Soccer Shooting Drills

  • Become confortable striking the ball on target.
  • More goals scored.
  • Confidence to attempt more shots on goal.

Soccer Shooting Drills Requires

Players should focus on their plant foot, balance, and striking the ball with the correct area of the foot.

  • Glance up and select your target.
  • Keep your head down and eyes on the ball.
  • Point your toe and lock your ankle.
  • Strike the ball inthe center-bottom half of the ball.
  • Position your plant foot beside the ball.
  • Plant foot should be pointing towards your target.
  • Plant foot should strike the ground first before your kicking foot.

Browse the Latest Soccer Shooting Drills

Simple Obstacle Course

Chris Johnson 5,767 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
This is a simple obstacle course for younger players to focus on agility, dribbling, and shooting.

2v2 with Target Players to Small Goals

Chris Johnson 34,137 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
2v2 drill focusing on penetrating passes to a target player to stretch the field and finish on goal.

1v1 Attacking to a Full-Size Goal

Chris Johnson 32,387 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
1v1 attacking drill that focuses on beating the defender in a 1v1 situation and finishing on a full-size goal.

Soccer Shooting on the Dribble

Chris Johnson 38,641 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
Soccer shooting drill focusing on receiving a flighted ball, quickly dribble on the attack, and finishing with a shot on goal.

Two-Goal Soccer Shooting Training Session

Chris Johnson 28,005 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
This soccer shooting training session focuses on receiving a ground pass and shooting followed up with receiving a long ball and shooting on target.

Finishing In Front of the Goal

Chris Johnson 36,698 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
This finishing soccer drill focuses on collecting a flighted serve, knocking it to a forward, and finishing on goal.

The Cristiano Ronaldo Speed Test

Chris Johnson 32,845 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
The Cristiano Ronaldo Speed Test is an individual assessment of ones ability to dribble the ball at pace while maintaining control.

4v2 Soccer Game to Goal

Chris Johnson 31,531 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
This 4v2 game will focus on building an attack near the penalty area and getting shots on goal.

Shooting Agility Drill

Chris Johnson 289,235 Views Rating 3.18 (28 Reviews)
This soccer shooting drill focuses on agility and check-runs after the pass.

6 vs 4 Team Training Numbers

Chris Johnson 130,669 Views Rating 3.47 (19 Reviews)
This 6 vs 4 team training drill focuses on passing and team play. The 6v4 soccer game is great finish to a passing training session.