Soccer Dribbling Drills | Improve Ball Control Skills

Mastering the art of dribbling is fundamental to becoming a proficient soccer player, and this begins with focused dribbling drills. Dribbling is one of the essential skills in soccer, enabling players to maneuver around defenders, maintain possession of the ball, and alleviate pressure during intense moments of the game. By incorporating various dribbling exercises into training sessions, players can develop the agility, control, and confidence needed to excel on the field. These drills not only improve individual performance but also enhance a player’s ability to contribute effectively to the team's overall strategy.

It is crucial for coaches to introduce dribbling skills to players at an early age. Early exposure to dribbling drills helps young athletes build a strong foundation in ball control and footwork. As they progress, these players will find it easier to learn advanced techniques and adapt to more complex game situations. Moreover, practicing dribbling from a young age instills a sense of creativity and spontaneity in players, allowing them to develop their unique style and approach to the game. Coaches play a vital role in nurturing these skills, providing guidance, and creating a supportive environment where young players can experiment, learn, and grow into confident dribblers who can handle any challenge on the soccer field.

Purpose of Dribbling in Soccer

  • Players can dribble to space to maintain possession.
  • Players can take on defenders to advance the ball towards the opponent's goal.
  • Players can dribble to releave pressure by creting time and space.

Soccer Dribbling Requires

  • Good footwork
  • Command of the ball at all times
  • Ability to change direction
  • Good with all parts of the foot (inside, outside, bottom, top, shoelaces, etc.)
  • Good with both feet
  • Proper touch (not too hard, not too soft)

Youth Soccer Dribbling Drills | Improve Ball Control Skills Coaching Points and Techniques

Here are a few coaching points to focus on when coaching dribbling drills:

  • Low center of gravity.
  • Keep arms up and out for balance.
  • Keep the head and eyes up. The eyes should not be on the ball.
  • Scan the field as you are dribbling. This will improve your vison and awareness.
  • Dribble with the shoelaces when dribbling.
  • Keep the ball close in pressure and away from you in space.
  • Dribble with confidence.
  • When taking players on, get to the space behind the defender.
  • Use your body to protect the ball.
  • Change of speed and change of pace to lose the defender.
  • Accelerate once you have beat the defender.
  • Don't do too many moves, or attempt to beat the same defender multiple times.

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