Most Viewed Soccer Drills

Browse the Most Viewed Soccer Drills

Body Parts Warm-up Game

Chris Johnson 86,690 Views Rating 3.88 (17 Reviews)
This soccer drill focuses on the younger player's dribbling skills and the ability to listen to directions while holding the ball close.

Passing and Receiving Warm-up

Chris Johnson 85,957 Views Rating 3.89 (19 Reviews)
This soccer warm-up drill focuses on passing and receiving and can be used for players 9 years and older.

2v1 and 1v1 Possession Game

Chris Johnson 85,449 Views Rating 3.65 (34 Reviews)
This soccer possession drill focuses on passing, movement off the ball, possession and penetration.

Goalkeeper - Side-to-Side

Chris Johnson 84,621 Views Rating 3.91 (32 Reviews)
This goalkeeper soccer drill focuses on the goalkeeper's side shuffle (side-to-side) movement and quickly getting up from the ground recovering from a dive.

Handling Flighted Balls

Chris Johnson 84,089 Views Rating 3.64 (45 Reviews)
This drill focuses on passing and receiving flighted balls during warm-up.

Dribble with Speed

Chris Johnson 83,501 Views Rating 3.81 (32 Reviews)
This dribbling exercise that works on speed dribbling and getting the ball under control while dribbling with speed.

Pressure/Cover Tactical Defending Soccer Game

Chris Johnson 82,933 Views Rating 3.84 (25 Reviews)
The focus of this soccer game is to teach players recognize the first defender and second defenders.

Passing Warm-up Drill

Chris Johnson 82,865 Views Rating 0 (0 Reviews)
This is a passing warm-up drill that is a great start to every practice and before a game.

Dribbling to Beat Defenders, Take on Defenders

Chris Johnson 82,598 Views Rating 3.64 (22 Reviews)
The Dribbling to Beat Defenders, Take on Defenders drill is a great soccer drill to teach players to dribble at and beat defenders.

Partner Pass and Move Soccer Warm-up

Chris Johnson 81,366 Views Rating 3.76 (29 Reviews)
This soccer passing drill will help you focus and teach young players how to pass, move, receive a ball, and move after receiving the pass.