Most Viewed Soccer Drills

Browse the Most Viewed Soccer Drills

Improving Combination Play

Chris Johnson 127,433 Views Rating 3.96 (45 Reviews)
The Improving Combination Play drill will help improve combination play as well as switching the point of attack.

Goalkeeper - Arc Drill 1

Chris Johnson 127,028 Views Rating 4 (43 Reviews)
This soccer goalkeeper drill focuses on the keeper's proper footwork, stance, and movement along the goalkeeper arc.

Goalkeeper - Shooting Angle

Chris Johnson 126,719 Views Rating 4.11 (37 Reviews)
Goalkeeping shooting angle drill for improving goalkeeper positioning and angles when defending a shot on goal.

Passing Combination | 1-2 | Wall Pass | One-Two

Chris Johnson 126,709 Views Rating 3.81 (53 Reviews)
This soccer passing and combination drill will focus on passing and receiving ground balls and playing a one-two wall pass around the defender.

The Passing Name Game Warm-up

Chris Johnson 126,632 Views Rating 4 (44 Reviews)
This soccer pass game will help younger players improve the speed of play by thinking a step ahead of the play.

The Soccer Gauntlet

Chris Johnson 125,298 Views Rating 3.62 (39 Reviews)
The primary focus of THE SOCCER GAUNTLET is centered around good dribbling technique in traffic which requires vision and awareness.

Trapping with Passive Opposition

Chris Johnson 125,286 Views Rating 4.15 (39 Reviews)
This soccer trapping drill focus on trapping and control with the addition of a passive defender. The defender causes the receiving player tobe more aware of their surroundings.

Trapping and Controlling the Ball with Back to Goal

Chris Johnson 124,866 Views Rating 4.07 (57 Reviews)
This soccer receiving drill will focus on chest, thigh, and fast traps and control. This receiving exercise teaches players to turn, shield, or play the way they face when their back is to the goal.

Indoor Dribbling and Passing Drill

Chris Johnson 123,405 Views Rating 3.77 (40 Reviews)
This indoor soccer drill is great for warm-up to your indoor soccer practice. This focuses on dribbling and passing warm-up indoors.

2v2+1 (2 vs. 2 plus target attacker)

Chris Johnson 121,573 Views Rating 4 (38 Reviews)
This 2v2+1 soccer drill is a great situational game that allows you to focus on number’s up attacking situations or number’s down defending situations.