U17, U18, U19, U20, and Up Soccer Drills

Browse the Highest Rated U17, U18, U19, U20, and Up Soccer Drills

Attacking from the Midfield

Chris Johnson 358,577 Views Rating 4.15 (148 Reviews)
Focuses on building an attack from the midfield, switching the point of attack, and getting forward into the attacking third.

Trapping with Passive Opposition

Chris Johnson 129,488 Views Rating 4.15 (39 Reviews)
This soccer trapping drill focus on trapping and control with the addition of a passive defender. The defender causes the receiving player tobe more aware of their surroundings.

Improving Speed of Play - Passing Drill

Chris Johnson 154,947 Views Rating 4.14 (51 Reviews)
This soccer drill is designed to improve the speed of play, decision making, and passing accuracy under pressure.

Soccer Control and Trapping Small Sided Game

Chris Johnson 193,106 Views Rating 4.13 (69 Reviews)
This is a great exercise that focuses on control and trapping. It’s a great trapping drill that helps focus on when and where to receive the ball.

3v1 Early Support

Chris Johnson 113,728 Views Rating 4.13 (30 Reviews)
3v1 soccer drill focusing on supporting the player with the ball, early support, moving without the ball, proper supporting angle, and good distance of support.

Trapping and Controlling the ball Facing Defender

Chris Johnson 79,233 Views Rating 4.13 (23 Reviews)
This soccer ball control drill aims to work on trapping and control with the foot, thigh, and chest while facing an opponent.

World Cup Soccer Drill

Chris Johnson 428,598 Views Rating 4.12 (230 Reviews)
The World Cup Soccer Drill is a great shooting game for kids of all ages. The World Cup Soccer game is a great drill to work on game-like situations while numbers down.

Combination Play; Improving 1-2 Combinations Part II

Chris Johnson 159,088 Views Rating 4.11 (87 Reviews)
This soccer passing drill focuses on improving 1-2 combination play and encourages good movement off the ball.

Soccer Tennis

Chris Johnson 134,606 Views Rating 4.11 (45 Reviews)
Soccer Tennis is a great game to focus on volleys and balls out of the air. It can be played virtually anywhere and the older kids will love it.

Goalkeeper - Shooting Angle

Chris Johnson 129,271 Views Rating 4.11 (37 Reviews)
Goalkeeping shooting angle drill for improving goalkeeper positioning and angles when defending a shot on goal.