Fun Soccer Drills | Engaging Drills for All Skill Levels

Browse the Latest Fun Soccer Drills | Engaging Drills for All Skill Levels

Diagonal Soccer Shooting Drill

Chris Johnson 321,161 Views Rating 3.91 (242 Reviews)
Simple soccer shooting drill great for warm-up to a shooting practice or warm-up before a game.

Circle Keep-Away Passing Game

Chris Johnson 277,948 Views Rating 4.08 (119 Reviews)
This keep-away game is a fun passing exercise for younger players that focuses on the passing game while playing keep away.

Soccer Control and Trapping Small Sided Game

Chris Johnson 193,106 Views Rating 4.13 (69 Reviews)
This is a great exercise that focuses on control and trapping. It’s a great trapping drill that helps focus on when and where to receive the ball.

World Cup Soccer Drill

Chris Johnson 428,597 Views Rating 4.12 (230 Reviews)
The World Cup Soccer Drill is a great shooting game for kids of all ages. The World Cup Soccer game is a great drill to work on game-like situations while numbers down.

Team Reaction Dribbling Drill

Chris Johnson 210,294 Views Rating 3.88 (93 Reviews)
The team reaction dribbling drill is a fun soccer dribbling drill that focuses on dribbling and reacting to teammates.

Coach's Revenge

Chris Johnson 275,981 Views Rating 3.8 (122 Reviews)
This drill is a fun soccer drill. It will focus a bit on young players' agility while dodging balls kicked at them and is a great ice breaker or a fun warm-up game at the beginning of practice.

1v1 50/50 to Goal Team Competition

Chris Johnson 497,179 Views Rating 4.15 (266 Reviews)
This soccer drill focuses on soccer fitness, scoring soccer goals, soccer shooting, soccer goalkeeping, and winning 50-50 balls. This is a fun soccer drill for the younger soccer player.

1v1, 1v2, 2v2 - 4 goal game

Chris Johnson 118,356 Views Rating 3.92 (39 Reviews)
This 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 - 4 goal game soccer drill puts soccer players in 1v1 and 2v2 situations with multiple goals.

Can You Do This?

Chris Johnson 98,282 Views Rating 3.92 (13 Reviews)
This is a soccer drill is designed to work on simple body movement, coordination and balance.

Snake in the Grass Soccer Game

Chris Johnson 168,181 Views Rating 3.38 (42 Reviews)
This is a great soccer game for under 6 soccer players. This soccer game is designed to work on young players coordination and body movements.