Under 12 Soccer Drills, Games, and Exercises

Quality age-specific soccer drills for kids in the U12, Under 12, 12 and Under age group.

Flighted Balls in the 18

Chris Johnson 159,389 Views Rating 4.08 (75 Reviews)
This soccer drill is designed to focus on chipping, trapping and shooting inside the 18 to feel more comfortable inside the penalty box.

Head/Catch Game

Chris Johnson 224,007 Views Rating 4.08 (74 Reviews)
This soccer game is more of a fun activity that focuses on listening and reaction skills.

Team Tactics Dribbling in the Attacking Third

Chris Johnson 82,121 Views Rating 4.08 (24 Reviews)
This soccer attacking drill is a great team tactic dribbling drill that focuses on when and where to dribble in the attacking third.

Guard the Castle

Chris Johnson 329,254 Views Rating 4.07 (134 Reviews)
The Guard the Castle drill is a great small sided game that focuses on passing in numbers up situations This is a fun drill and the kids will love it!

4v4 Playing Wide Out of the Back

Chris Johnson 194,598 Views Rating 4.07 (91 Reviews)
This drill is designed to get players to play balls wide when playing from the defensive third of the field.

Trapping and Controlling the Ball with Back to Goal

Chris Johnson 126,616 Views Rating 4.07 (57 Reviews)
This soccer receiving drill will focus on chest, thigh, and fast traps and control. This receiving exercise teaches players to turn, shield, or play the way they face when their back is to the goal.

Accuracy Passing Under Pressure

Chris Johnson 211,973 Views Rating 4.06 (82 Reviews)
This drill focuses on accurately passing under pressure, agility, and fitness.

HItters and Dodgers

Chris Johnson 260,057 Views Rating 4.06 (79 Reviews)
This soccer drill is great for teach players to dribble and then getting their heads up to make a pass.

Transition Drill

Chris Johnson 136,626 Views Rating 4.06 (36 Reviews)
This dynamic soccer game will allow you to focus on the transition from offense to defense. Soccer Transitional Drill.

Dribbling with Speed,Recognizing When to Dribble

Chris Johnson 72,323 Views Rating 4.06 (16 Reviews)
This dribbling soccer drill will help players recognize when to make runs and get comfortable making those runs with speed.